John Powell Institute: A Collaborative Care Initiative


The well-being of missionaries is key to Gospel advancement! Many of us have a sense of how our friends are doing overseas, but not much more. We are surprised when those friends return from the field earlier than expected - traumatized, conflicted, and discouraged. What can we do about it?

This year MTI leadership asked, "How can we move the needle of resilience and retention for cross-cultural workers? Where can we have an impact?". We concluded that it would be prudent to begin with collaboration and learning.

We would like to introduce JPI (the John Powell Institute)! JPI is a new collaboration between MTI and partner agencies to form a learning community aimed at the advancement of the care, well-being, health and resilience of missionaries in the field. We plan to gather what is already known, ask hard questions and gain better understanding to offer improved policy and procedure recommendations. We believe that, together as a think tank, we can discern the most helpful way forward for agencies, churches, and cross-cultural workers of today.


Our Upcoming Research